What the World Needs is More Chakras and Cake

In recent years I have become fascinated with something which was never even mentioned to me through all of my education or upbringing.  While we acknowledge our physical, spiritual, and emotional bodies within our Western culture, we fail to acknowledge our energetic body with the same emphasis.  This week we’ll look at the seven chakras […]

Can You Hear Me Now?

“It takes two to speak the truth–one to speak and another to hear.”  –Henry David Thoreau I was recently having a conversation with a friend who shared a current struggle she was facing.  As is often the case, as someone is speaking we listen with the intent to reply rather than to hear what is […]

The Noisiest Silence

USA Today conducted a survey to find out what people fear the most.  As I read the list I was astounded by the results.  People are afraid of death and flying.  Not so shocking.  The number three thing people fear the most definitely caught my attention causing me to take pause: silence.  As I pondered […]