Second Nature Yet Foreign

Hand in hand, just as we departed ways 11 months earlier, we reconnected. Travis has been home for nearly six weeks!   We celebrated our anniversary TOGETHER and shared Christmas with family.  Seeing my family reconnect and embrace him was purely bliss! But getting to our family’s reunification was a long and tumultuous path.  I never […]

Shelter & Energy

We as a people have evolved enormously since the days of Little House on the Prairie.  Having been raised on a farm, beginning my education in a one room country school with no other students my age, and experiencing the simplicity of this lifestyle my heart yearns for the values I learned through those experiences […]

Nourish & Hydrate

If you’re not sitting down, please sit down before you read this.  If you don’t already know this, it might be a lot to drink in, pun intended. Our food and water supplies are used against us.  Some are as bold to say they are poisonous, and by the end of this blog you will […]

Travis Update

Let’s talk about one of my favorite humans and explore his experiences thus far!! For a short period of time, Travis was moved upstairs.  You may recall, Travis started out in an open dorm type housing unit that had an open room holding up to 60 occupants.  Prior to a planned shakedown that housing unit […]

Teacher, Teach Me

In continuing to examine how our systems are interconnected it is important to look at the education, college, and workforce systems.  These three systems alone go hand in hand, but they also are interwoven with the healthcare system and the energy system. Mr. Rockefeller was heavily involved in the educational system by founding the General […]

The Media Machine

There is nothing better after a long, hard week of work to relax and cut loose, right?  The indulgence of having fun and being carefree!  This is the way human nature has progressed for centuries.  Think back to the time of the Roman Gladiators who fought in the coliseums.  The spectators in attendance would booze […]

Toot Your Own Horn

Today we laid to rest my grandfather who preferred to be addressed as Gramps.  Gramps had a bit of a rough start to life, and his parents weren’t confident he would survive very long after birth.  His resilience was palpable and what unfolded was an incredibly full life of 96 years and 47 days between […]

We’ll Do What They Can’t

There have been a couple more releases from the “Twitter Files”.  If I were to sum it up into one sentence, I would say my main take away from these two releases were that government funded organizations and agencies were helping to monitor and censor speech where the government knew it could not legally take […]

Uncovering Truth or Sparring?

On January 10, 2023, the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government was created with Jim Jordan appointed as the chair.  After reading the letter released in mainstream media on November 3, 2023, I was hopeful this committee would uncover truth for the people.  Especially since much of what had been contained within […]

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

Those who have been following my journey have read of my spiritual connection and the guidance I receive in my morning devotional time.  This guidance doesn’t always come just in the mornings, and I don’t always want to follow its promptings.  I’ve become disciplined in following where I’m led (except for the night when I […]