Healthcare vs Sickcare

You probably know how the current medical system works, but I will explain it very briefly just in case anyone has miraculously never had to visit the doctor, ER, or pharmacy before.  If by some small miracle that’s you, I want to hear from you! Our current medical system is an insurance-based system which chooses […]

Hug It Out

Hey, hey! Happy July! Where is this year going? Can you believe it’s more than half over already? Yeah, me either. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. I found myself with SOOOOOO many things to be grateful for and celebrate this past week. Freedom (especially inner freedom) is such a sweet, sweet thing! Perhaps […]

The Power of Creation

Hello there! I am excited about this week’s topic as it ties into part of a presentation I attended last week. If you were asked what the best things in life are, what would be your answer? Would it be your house, your car, or the latest and greatest gaming console? What I hear most […]

Work Smarter, Not Harder

If there was a way to get the results you wanted with far less work, would you continue on the grind the long, hard way or would you try something simpler? I think we all would sign up for freeing up some time and energy if we could find an effective way to do so. […]

Ancestral Eating & Food Sourcing

It seems as though the hottest topic in nutritional conversations these days is which diet you embrace: Keto, Paleo, Plant Based Whole Foods, Vegan, Vegetarian, Atkins, or Pegan (the Paleo-Vegan hybrid). While I do happen to have a personal preference on what type of diet I believe creates the highest level of wellness for my […]