Judgment Day

The nights leading up to October 6th became longer and longer with less and less sleep.  We found it impossible to not be nervous even with the assistance of all of the nervous system regulating tools available to us.  However, we clung to faith believing we would be able to move forward with our lives […]

Cancel Culture

At the end of July I realized I needed a moment to rejuvenate, to have something to look forward to, and to have some support around me.  We had been traveling this road for five months…alone, quietly, in stillness.  As much as I wanted to be there and not leave Travis for several days, I […]

Mitigating Factors

We had gotten so used to getting bad news, we had stopped anticipating receiving any good news at all.  But the probation recommendation was the one bright light throughout this entire situation.  After collecting and compiling all of Travis’s information, the probation office had made a recommendation of three years probation supervision with 150 hours […]


Travis has many qualities I’ve always admired, one of them being his tenacious and unrelenting drive to see something through to the end.  It was a very useful trait for him to have throughout this experience. It is now around the 20th of July.  It’s been a month since Travis’s court appearance where he accepted […]

That Doesn’t Violate Our Safety Guidelines

For those of you who don’t know me, I have never been into politics.  I say that because this post is NOT about politics even though it does address the response to a political hot topic.  I have believed in people, integrity, love, and doing what’s best or what works well for the collective.  I […]

The Axe

It was Friday morning.  Fridays were always a blessing because it meant we had made it through another week, I generally had a bit of a break on the weekends compared to the commitments and work during the week and had more time and energy to be of support to Travis. Friday mornings meant we […]

Infamously Famous

We lived on coffee, adrenaline, and the hope of reprieve until June 16th.  We were so anxious about what was to come and so expectant to finally find a bit of peace in our lives knowing there would be a few months until sentencing. The hearing for Travis to enter his official plea was held […]

As I Lay Me Down to Sleep, I Pray the Lord My Soul to Keep

There’s one resounding theme which repeats over and over in this story.  We were never ready or prepared for what we were about to experience next.  While Travis was clearly stressed, anxious, sometimes paranoid, and saying he was lacking sleep is a massive understatement, he was remaining very composed throughout this crazy journey.  In fact, […]

I Don’t Actually Feel Better, At All

After sharing all of the details with the prosecutor, including highlighting the contradicting evidence in the case, the prosecutor responded by asking if I felt better.  In that moment I said yes.  I had a brief moment of relief in being able to share everything on my mind. But then I returned home.  Who knew […]

The Witness

With the belief I might be able to shed some light on Travis’s case, I arrived 20 minutes early to the witness preparation interview.  I received a call from the FBI agent on my way there and somehow the schedule had been confused for meeting at 2 pm rather than 2:30 pm so they thought […]