The Law of Divine Oneness

It took me too many years to come to learn about universal laws.  Forty-too-many years if I’m being honest!  These laws are based upon nature and allow us to live in harmony with the world around us.  Once I learned these laws and deeply engrained them into my belief system, things in my life began happening at faster and faster rates in bigger miraculous ways than my mind could have ever imagined!

Having been raised in church I was grew up with the virtues of the 10 commandments.  It’s important to integrate both the laws of nature and spirit into your life in whatever way is most aligned for you.  The benefits of doing so are unmeasurable so if you aren’t familiar with the 10 commandments there’s no time like now to learn!

I’m so excited to share all that’s been transpiring in the past couple weeks and how it came to be.  But since I can’t yet divulge what’s happening behind the scenes, you’ll be left with this cliffhanger which I hope will be motivation enough to incorporate these laws into your life!  Without them I’m certain none of the recent the miracles would have transpired.

The posts over the next 12 weeks will be much shorter than what I’ve historically posted, but the real potency is in applying the information to your life.  My wish for you is to hold these laws in the forefront of your mind as you go on with life throughout the hours and days that create your week.  I’d love to hear in the comments what you notice as you put these principles to use!

The Law of Divine Oneness

This first universal law is the building block for all others.  We are all one.  Every thought, behavior, action, and word subconsciously has an effect on all others.

Let that truth sink in beyond your conscious understanding so it can disspell the lies.

Our ego leads us to believe life is all about us.  It lies to us and tries to make us believe we’re on separate, independent islands where what we do only has influence and effect on us and/or those closest to us like our loved ones.

Science research has proven atoms are connected even if millions of miles apart through something called quantum entanglement.  If you are looking for a scholarly rabbit hole to go down you will likely find it fascinating.  Since science is proving atoms are connected and we are made of atoms, then it’s safe to say science has proven we are all connected in some way.  This means everything we do matters and has an impact on each other.

Here are two easy ways to apply this law throughout your week:

  1. Focus on seeing the good in others.  There is something good in every person after all.  And then observe…do you notice others seeing the good in you in return?
  2. Would you make the same choice if the choice were for a friend?  This can be applied in so many ways, but here is one example of what this might look like…  We all have a voice in our head which chatters nonstop all day creating our inner dialogue.  This inner dialogue can be very harsh and critical, and many people would never speak to others the way the voice in their head berates themselves.  Can you be forgiving of yourself when you drop something and make a mess, unintentionally break an item you love, make a mistake, or do something you would judge to be “stupid”?  Observe when you’re kind to yourself how others respond to you as well.

Here’s my last two cents on the universal laws:  it’s more than thinking the thought; it’s accepting these laws as beliefs.  Your conscious mind fires off thoughts, but your beliefs are held in your unconscious mind.  This is why what we think doesn’t magically materialize in a matter of seconds or minutes.  It takes time, commitment, or mindset tools to install beliefs into the unconscious mind.  So please, please, please don’t try this for just one day and write it off.

Once it’s locked into your belief system, it is the gift that keeps on giving, and giving, and giving…

You can thank my later, my loves!  And remember, practical application is key and where the potency lies!

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Peace & Love,

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