The Law of Energy

As we continue our examination of the universal laws which make mastering the art of being human so much easier, we’ll continue to embrace last week’s law while adding the second.  Do you remember what last week’s law was?  The potency is in putting these laws to use in your life not just reading about them!

The second universal law is the law of energy.  Everything in life has a vibration or frequency.  Everything.  The phone or tablet in your hand, the chair holding you up, the flooring in your house, your refrigerator, your thoughts, your emotions, and even the energies of your organs have their own individual vibrations.

Nothing ever stands still, objects always being pushed away or pulled toward; repelled or attracted.  As objects are pushed and pulled, everything moves in a circular pattern including your thoughts and emotions.  As since likeness attracts likeness, your thoughts, your emotions, your vibration will combine with those which hold the same vibrational frequency.

Ever notice how misery loves company?  Or perhaps the opposite that when you’re having a good day and feeling that positive mojo, more and more good shows up?  This law explains why that is so.  As we learned last week, our thoughts and emotions are connected to the rest of the universe meaning what you think and feel has a ripple effect onto others.

Here are a couple suggestions for practical application of this law throughout the week:

  • Apply it to your thinking.  Commit to focusing something you want and creating time everyday to focus your thoughts on that thing.  Just choose one thing to focus on this week and spend as little as two minutes focusing solely on that thing.  Maybe it’s a job, perhaps it’s meeting some new friends, or it could be making a new purchase.  Think about yourself in that job, surrounded by those friends, or holding that object you want to purchase.  After focusing on your thoughts of desire for two minutes, take a moment to observe how your body and emotions feel.  Does your energy feel different when thinking about your desire than it does as you go through your regular day?
  • Apply it to your feelings.  The cool thing about emotions is that they can be transformed into emotions we prefer to feel rather than the ones that make us uncomfortable.  An incredible way to create higher vibrational feelings is with this quick self care tool.  And yes, emotions have been measured and quantified.  I’ll drop a chart at the end of this blog if you’re interested in seeing the lowest to highest vibrational emotions.
  • Apply it to your doing.  Adulting can be full of mundane and boring tasks.  What will you do this week that is the one thing you’d rather not do?  Pull weeds, clean the shower, put away laundry, balance your bank statement?  Find a way to infuse it with joy and fun.  Put on some music, approach it with childlike wonder and as though you’re exploring the task for the very first time, call a friend and have a chat while knocking it out, or put on an episode of Eyes Wide Open and listen to some intriguing content.  Did it feel less awful when you intentionally putting a little pazazz into your tasks?

Remember good feelings and thoughts attract more good, and negative feeling and thoughts attract more of the same vibration.  And YOU have the ability to determine if you’ll be attracting more of what you want or don’t want into your life!!

Dr. Hawkins Map of Consciousness (from lowest to highest)
  • Shame/Humiliation
  • Guilt/Blame
  • Grief/Regret
  • Fear/Anxiety
  • Desire/Craving
  • Anger/Hate
  • Pride/Scorn
  • Courage/Affirmation
  • Neutrality/Trust
  • Willingness/Optimism
  • Acceptance/Forgiveness
  • Reason/Understanding
  • Love/Reverence
  • Joy/Serenity
  • Peace/Bliss
  • Enlightenment/Ineffable

Emotions can be challenging to navigate to be able to move up this chart on your own until you have some tools to help you do so.  What most people end up doing is bypassing the emotion by ignoring it until it goes “away”.  Emotions don’t go away on their own and will manifest into physical illness if ignored long term.  This month in the Stronger Together group coaching community we are empowering members to be able to accept their uncomfortable emotions, acknowledge them, and then transmute them so they have greater wellness within mind, body, and spirit.  You are invited to join the group coaching community and follow the Facebook group.

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Enjoy audio content?  Consider all things seen and unseen on my internet radio show, ‘Eyes Wide Open’ airing every Wednesday evening at 6 pm EST/5 pm CST/3 pm PST.  Listen live or on replay.

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Peace & Love,

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