The Liberation of “F&*k It!”

Hello again!  I have been absent the last couple weeks for no other reason than to step aside from my self imposed expectation of having to do everything perfectly, systematically, and timely.  While I do aspire to have a blog posted every Sunday, I had been writing and posting from an intrinsic motivation of obligation and expectation rather than for fun random thought sharing (or for any other positive reason for that matter).  This experience inspired me to share a liberating message about the benefits of sometimes saying “F! it”!

I have always perceived the ‘F! it’ attitude as one of negativity and lack of concern.  I stumbled upon a blog a couple weeks ago which made me completely change my thinking and was the impetus for me to write my own F! it list.  (You can read the blog here.)  I have since looked at the ways I am too critical of myself and the paradigms I hold which prevent me from embracing me as I am today with all of my imperfectly perfect quirks and faults.  Here’s what I’ve come up with thus far:

Please forgive my “authentically” typo. 🙂

In challenging my paradigms to shift and my expectations to evolve, I have found a much more comfortable space in being me.  Sometimes the most freeing gesture of love we can offer to both ourselves and those around us is to accept;  accept ourselves and others as the beings we are in the current essence we hold.  It sounds so simple yet can be so challenging.  It sure is amazing, though, how clear and sunny the sky can be when we’re not throwing our own clouds in the view.  May you have a beautiful week of being your magnificent imperfectly perfect self!

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