Mr. & Mrs. Smith Out of the Theatre & in Our Home

The next morning Travis left early to go meet with the agents.  He had never been involved in anything like this ever, and he didn’t want to be late.  The interview took longer than they had told him it would.  As the minutes ticked by my anxiety grew stronger and stronger. Had they detained him?  [...]

Watching You Watching Me

Let’s start at the beginning when we found ourselves waking up to living a real life nightmare.  While we know a lot more now than we did as we lived this situation, I am sharing this story through our experience and perspective in chronological order. Travis and I, like so many others, had a very [...]

Are You Anchored?

Welcome June! June has always been one of my favorite months!  It's warm but not sweltering, the flowers continue to sprinkle beauty into our surroundings, and I really enjoyed the tasks June brought on the farm growing up as the seeds we had sown began to thrive.  The beginning of summer break always brought a [...]

The Key to Personal Interactions

Hello friends! Tis the season when we are usually around more people for festive celebrations, and lets be honest some of these people we wouldn't choose to invest our time with if it weren't for these festive events.  This year could look much different for festive gatherings, but the benefits of being able to connect [...]

Crystal Magic

Greetings!  Let me introduce you to my amazing friend and colleague, SammiJo.  She has opened my world to a whole new kind of energy work, which isn't actually new at all.  SammiJo is a crystal healer and her modality does not involve conscious reasoning during the session.  We have found our two modalities work so [...]

New Offerings

Hello and happy autumn to you all!   Fall is in the air and beautiful colors are starting to pop all around us here in Nebraska.  I hope this finds you healthy, happy, and enjoying the season!  Autumn is about harvesting what we've sown throughout the year.  May your harvest be abundant this year!     [...]

Sassy Sally

Hello Radiant Souls! In past blogs I've talked about our personality, specifically in terms of the Enneagram, and I regularly blog about Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques.  Today we are going to combine the two so you can facilitate integrating some of your own personality characteristics. As a quick refresher, NLP recognizes we have different parts [...]


HBLU:  The System While HBLU is my main modality of practice I have not, to date, blogged to specifically explain the system of HBLU.  Until today.  If you have been curious what HBLU is, how it works, or what makes it unique, hopefully these short videos will answer many of your questions. HBLU is a [...]

Tick Tock Goes the Internal Clock

When you hear 'internal clock' do you think of your biological clock?  Or do you think about the circadian rhythms and whether you're a night owl or an early bird?  Regardless of which type of fowl you liken yourself, all humans have numerous internal clocks on many different things such as relationships, home, vehicle, and [...]