Fruit of Your Labor

Today’s wisdom comes to you again from nature… not surprising, right?!

The tree is a marvelous structure providing shade, wood, a home to wildlife, sap, and fruit.  It has a lot of jobs to complete in its long life, and interestingly it doesn’t do them all at the same time.  We can’t utilize its sap when we’re harvesting its wood.  In fact, if you cut the branches at the wrong time of year it can stunt the tree’s growth.

Yet as highly driven individuals, we expect ourselves to complete all of our jobs and purposes at once.  If we don’t, we tell ourselves we’re failing and inadequate.  In the pursuit of getting it all done, the joy of the process is completely lost!

Let’s talk about those results desired in life as a comparison to the fruit on the tree.  Most put their attention and focus on the oh so sweet and satisfying fruit (your results) and judge them as being too small, not plentiful enough, or sour.  And then double down on focusing on the results even more.

But what actually creates the fruit?  It’s the seeds, the roots, and where the energy is being focused.  In fact, the most common reasons for fruit trees to not bear fruit is due to immaturity or improper vigor–the energy of the tree vigor is diverted to creating wood rather than fruit.  What creates the fruit that you see and enjoy is actually the result of the things you cannot see.

It’s the same with human behavior.  Results are yielded from where you place your energy and the condition of your roots.  When working with a solid foundation, a high level of maturity, and the energy focused on the result you desire becomes an amazing recipe for success.  When falling short of the goal, the attention cannot be placed on the fruit to produce more fruit.  Instead, success comes from looking at the invisible aspects of the human:  emotions, beliefs, thoughts, and energy.

If you want to change the visible, you must first change the invisible!

A real-life example…

Over a decade ago I was hired to coordinate a drug court in a different district.  I picked up my life and moved two hours to discover the drug court was in the process of shutting down if some key issues were not addressed.  This was an incredibly stressful time and experience in my life.  The issues seemed well beyond what I had influence over and involved a multitude of people to come together in agreement.

What I predominantly dwelled on was not having an income and what would I do next if I lost my job.  This stirred even more uncertainty and chaos within my emotions.  I had moved to a smaller town where job opportunities weren’t as plentiful.  I focused on the lack and the instability.

Long story short, all ended well.  New procedures were implemented into the court process and the court continues thriving to this day.  And I leveled up in my leadership, both internal and external.  It cultivated a belief in myself that I could figure out tough situations, and it required I get my emotions in check or the stress was going to eat me alive.  While I focused on the fruit (the drug court remaining open), there were a lot of shifts happening within me fostering success in that situation.  Finding a different job and quitting would have been the easy way out; one that would not have created any growth in my roots.

And as life turns the page forward in its poetic fashion, these experiences have allowed me to navigate life through higher levels of strife and adversity.  You face little stress as a government employee compared to what you face as an entrepreneur.  The stress a relationship weathers when dating pales in comparison to what is experienced once married.

This isn’t about tooting my own horn– as my grandfather would say.  It’s about inspiring you to see your own progress and growth so you can bear the fruit you yearn for in your life.  Where do you need to refocus your energy, evolve in emotional mastery, or adopt new belief codes to reap your next harvest of fruit?

Doing so through the invisible plane creates much faster results than focusing all of your time and energy on the physical plane!  Need some tools and methods to master your invisible growth?  I’d be honored to be your guide and equip you with tools that will keep you cool as a cucumber through life’s most challenging moments; lets connect!

Peace & Love,


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