It’s so Elementary

Hi there! This blog has been challenging to get started. I have started, deleted, restarted, deleted… Therefore, I’m diving right in to the point with this one. This week brings us to my mantra to never stop learning. I have learned more from self education than from any education (or degree) I’ve ever purchased. On it’s own this concept is very elementary. Hopefully when you stop to consider the things you have learned outside the classroom you find your most profound truths lie among your personal learning pursuits.

As should be expected, when I set my intention to write about self education the universe showed up with a new lesson for me to learn. You might recall I mentioned a couple weeks ago I would soon be embarking upon an awesome adventure. The time had finally come, and the awesome adventure was a bucket list trip I’ve been yearning to do for a couple years: hike into the Grand Canyon and hike Sedona. In order to keep what could be a long story short, I will just share while the plane was boarding I received a call from family notifying me of my uncle’s passing. There were a limited amount of minutes to decide whether to get on the plane and go on the trip or to stay to be with family. Perhaps you’re reading this and thinking one of those options would be abundantly clear for you to make. However, for me it brought a lot of discomfort as I was stretched outside my comfort zone. In the past I have always been there for family whenever hardships occur. With encouragement and affirmation from my family I boarded the plane and set out on an adventure which ended up being a lot more about learning than it was about hiking.

This situation graced me with the opportunity to learn how to support my family from afar. I’m not sure I was effective, but there were a plethora of prayers, calls, and texts when I had reception. In past blogs I’ve discussed the excitement and exhilaration of discovery or learning something new. Supporting my family from afar was a great reminder of how being stretched and expanded can come with some level of discomfort or inner conflict. If you’re trying something new and it feels really foreign and difficult LEAN IN to the discomfort rather than running away from it. Acknowledging those feelings help move through them rather than being held back by them.

From afar I was able to see great beauty in needs being met and abundance being received. The roles I would typically play in my family were voluntarily filled by other gracious souls. But it extended far beyond merely what I could have done for my family alone. People showed up and poured out kindness in all the ways needed in the most perfect timing. I’m sparing you specific details because this blog would become quite lengthy. Being able to witness this was incredibly inspiring and uplifting and was not a topic ever taught to me in a lesson book in school.

One of the many things my uncle is remembered for was his ability to dance. He moved across the dance floor with such grace and rhythm. Unfortunately, I never had the courage to ask him to share this talent with me. We all from time to time find reasons to not seek out something we want to know or learn. Fear of feeling, looking, or being perceived as stupid has been a huge limiting belief for me in the past. You never know when your last opportunity to learn something might be so seize the opportunity when you can! Life is too precious to watch it pass you by, and knowledge is an incredible super power! Stay curious and keep learning, it does your being good! Thanks for stopping by.

Peace & Love,


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