Hey friends,

You don’t need me to tell you we are currently experiencing an unprecedented time which is cultivating fear, stress, panic, hysteria, anger, fright and so much more in our lives. I have two free offerings I am so excited to share with you which are happening this week. The first event below I just received notice of, and YOU WILL NOT WANT TO MISS THESE!!

Thursday, April 2nd from 6-7:30 PM CST

Dr. Judith Swack (founder and creator of HBLU) and Lynn Waldrop (renowned medical intuitive), both power houses and leaders in their respective fields are teaming up to offer a webinar to quickly release phobias and traumas triggered by the current COVID-19 outbreak. Here is their description about the event:

Are you experiencing intense anxiety, fear, stress and negative thoughts you can’t seem to control about:

  • Losing your job or your income
  • Not being able to pay your bills
  • Getting Covid-19 and dying
  • Getting Covid-19 and not knowing it and infecting others
  • Covid-19 destroying the economy and causing a depression lasting years
  • Your children, family and loved ones getting sick or dying
  • Your life never being the same again?

Calm your fears and get back the focus you need to think straight and deal with the situation using all your strength, courage, and resources. Don’t sit in anxiety, fear, and upset or let people you care do it. Please send to all your friends, the world needs this. We’re all in this together and we’re healing the world.

Register for the webinar with Dr. Judith Swack and Lynn Waldrop here. (Psssst, Judith has never offered a free webinar since I’ve met her. This is a rare opportunity to see an expert in action!)

Friday, April 3rd from 7-8:30 pm CST

I will be offering a free trauma clearing. Head on over to Fiercely Radiant Soul on Facebook where I will be going live and facilitating a group healing experience for those things we feel we’ve lost during this time: community, safety, security, freedom, peace, serenity, money, jobs, stability, health, and so much more! We will dig more deeply into the trauma structure in order to clear out the shock, fear, sadness, sorrow, lack of safety, and other nuances which imprint in the subconscious with these types of events. If this will be your first experience with energy psychology what do you have to lose…90 minutes and the likelihood of feeling better? Winning! Please join me to restore your calm, courageous spirit, and please send this to everyone you love. Thanks for stopping by!

Peace & Love,


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