Law of Correspondence

The Law of Correspondence establishes what is happening external of you is a mirror of what is occurring internal.  Another way of explaining this is to say the unconscious patterns, thoughts, and beliefs you hold create what you see in the world around you.  If you unconsciously believe in lack and scarcity, then you will […]


Hey there! I took an unintended writing break. I wish I could say I did something really fun and adventurous while on hiatus, but aside from my weekly adulting responsibilities I was deeply engrossed with reading, studying, and learning. Cliffhanger: I do have a fabulous bucket list adventure on my horizon!! I will be sure […]

Abundantly Abundant Abundance

Man, with a title like that the topic of this blog isn’t predictable at all huh?  My perspective of abundance has long been an experience of chasing a unicorn riding leprechaun to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I had long believed abundance was limited to monetary gain and was something […]