Tick Tock Goes the Internal Clock

When you hear ‘internal clock’ do you think of your biological clock?  Or do you think about the circadian rhythms and whether you’re a night owl or an early bird?  Regardless of which type of fowl you liken yourself, all humans have numerous internal clocks on many different things such as relationships, home, vehicle, and […]


Hey there! I’m curious…when you were a kid did you dream of being an adult? Did you even yearn and long to have it happen as quickly as possible so you could stay up late, eat whatever you wanted, make all the rules (or have no rules at all), and do all of the things […]

Exiting Repeat Patterns

Hello!   This past weekend was an interesting, weather filled one.  We saw tornadic activity Sunday which hit a mile away from home.  Luckily it was far enough away to not have property damage.  We were trying to make our way home as the storm moved in, driving directly into the storm’s path.  The further away […]

The Magical, Mythical 37

What’s magical and mythical about 37 you ask?  I’m not certain since I’ve just embarked upon my journey into my 37th year, but as I experience all of its magnificence I will be certain to share.  In the meantime, I thought I would share 37 nuggets of wisdom I’ve learned throughout my lifetime which make […]

See Jane. See Jane be dull.

Hello world!  What a week it has been!  Fall seems to be making up for winter’s early visit a couple weeks ago as it has been absolutely blissful here.  I have been taking full advantage of it too.  I have had this internal yearning to get out of a mundane rut I have been in […]

The Legacy of the Feels

I had the very blessed honor of living with a beautiful soul a few years ago.  This was at a time in my life where I wasn’t really interested in having to live with someone, but the arrangement offered several advantages to both of us so we signed on the dotted line so to speak.  […]

Are Superheroes Only for the Movies?

Hey friends!    I hope this week has  been wonderful for you all!  Honestly, my week could not have been more jam packed full of task mastering which has really given me a sense of accomplishment.  Productivity is a double edged sword for me though.  It always fills me from the perspective of feeling as […]

Can You Hear Me Now?

“It takes two to speak the truth–one to speak and another to hear.”  –Henry David Thoreau I was recently having a conversation with a friend who shared a current struggle she was facing.  As is often the case, as someone is speaking we listen with the intent to reply rather than to hear what is […]

The Liberation of “F&*k It!”

Hello again!  I have been absent the last couple weeks for no other reason than to step aside from my self imposed expectation of having to do everything perfectly, systematically, and timely.  While I do aspire to have a blog posted every Sunday, I had been writing and posting from an intrinsic motivation of obligation […]

The Noisiest Silence

USA Today conducted a survey to find out what people fear the most.  As I read the list I was astounded by the results.  People are afraid of death and flying.  Not so shocking.  The number three thing people fear the most definitely caught my attention causing me to take pause: silence.  As I pondered […]