Law of Relativity

The law of relativity set me free from the radical responsibility I attached to the legal situation we went through in 2022.  In a desire to live at cause, I laboriously sought clarity as to how I caused this situation to come to be.  Learning the law of relativity gave me a fresh perspective and […]

The Law of Energy

As we continue our examination of the universal laws which make mastering the art of being human so much easier, we’ll continue to embrace last week’s law while adding the second.  Do you remember what last week’s law was?  The potency is in putting these laws to use in your life not just reading about […]

Healthcare vs Sickcare

You probably know how the current medical system works, but I will explain it very briefly just in case anyone has miraculously never had to visit the doctor, ER, or pharmacy before.  If by some small miracle that’s you, I want to hear from you! Our current medical system is an insurance-based system which chooses […]

Aim, Plan, Achieve.

What feels more amazing then setting your sights on an aspiration, creating a plan, and then slaying your way to success? There might be a few things, but this simple pleasure in life is one of my most enjoyable feelings to experience. There is one itty, bitty, teeny, weeny thing which has massive impact to […]


Hey there! I took an unintended writing break. I wish I could say I did something really fun and adventurous while on hiatus, but aside from my weekly adulting responsibilities I was deeply engrossed with reading, studying, and learning. Cliffhanger: I do have a fabulous bucket list adventure on my horizon!! I will be sure […]

When Growth Reveals Itself

Hi friends!  This week I am going to share with you the story of Christmas 2018 because I feel it beautifully embodies the growth I have made in my thinking this year.  Christmas morning began a little off the intended plan.  I had set my alarm to wake early, workout, join my family for church, […]

Winning with Reality 100% of the Time

I hope you had a wonderful and delightful Thanksgiving!  My family has had a long standing and cherished tradition of turkey, bowling, football, and loved ones.     One of the things I am most thankful for is my family, but time spent together hasn’t always been the easiest thing for me to embrace.  Family has […]

See Jane. See Jane be dull.

Hello world!  What a week it has been!  Fall seems to be making up for winter’s early visit a couple weeks ago as it has been absolutely blissful here.  I have been taking full advantage of it too.  I have had this internal yearning to get out of a mundane rut I have been in […]

The Legacy of the Feels

I had the very blessed honor of living with a beautiful soul a few years ago.  This was at a time in my life where I wasn’t really interested in having to live with someone, but the arrangement offered several advantages to both of us so we signed on the dotted line so to speak.  […]

Are Superheroes Only for the Movies?

Hey friends!    I hope this week has  been wonderful for you all!  Honestly, my week could not have been more jam packed full of task mastering which has really given me a sense of accomplishment.  Productivity is a double edged sword for me though.  It always fills me from the perspective of feeling as […]