
Hey there! I took an unintended writing break. I wish I could say I did something really fun and adventurous while on hiatus, but aside from my weekly adulting responsibilities I was deeply engrossed with reading, studying, and learning. Cliffhanger: I do have a fabulous bucket list adventure on my horizon!! I will be sure […]

Ancestral Eating & Food Sourcing

It seems as though the hottest topic in nutritional conversations these days is which diet you embrace: Keto, Paleo, Plant Based Whole Foods, Vegan, Vegetarian, Atkins, or Pegan (the Paleo-Vegan hybrid). While I do happen to have a personal preference on what type of diet I believe creates the highest level of wellness for my […]

When Growth Reveals Itself

Hi friends!  This week I am going to share with you the story of Christmas 2018 because I feel it beautifully embodies the growth I have made in my thinking this year.  Christmas morning began a little off the intended plan.  I had set my alarm to wake early, workout, join my family for church, […]

Joy to the World

Tis the season for hustle, bustle, gifts, wrapping, food preparation, cookies, candy, family, friends, light gazing, carols, and everything which defines and creates your festive holiday spirits. I have thought about and dismissed this topic several times throughout the week. However, events and reminders keep popping into my life so I’m taking it as a […]

Abundantly Abundant Abundance

Man, with a title like that the topic of this blog isn’t predictable at all huh?  My perspective of abundance has long been an experience of chasing a unicorn riding leprechaun to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I had long believed abundance was limited to monetary gain and was something […]

Winning with Reality 100% of the Time

I hope you had a wonderful and delightful Thanksgiving!  My family has had a long standing and cherished tradition of turkey, bowling, football, and loved ones.     One of the things I am most thankful for is my family, but time spent together hasn’t always been the easiest thing for me to embrace.  Family has […]

The Magical, Mythical 37

What’s magical and mythical about 37 you ask?  I’m not certain since I’ve just embarked upon my journey into my 37th year, but as I experience all of its magnificence I will be certain to share.  In the meantime, I thought I would share 37 nuggets of wisdom I’ve learned throughout my lifetime which make […]

The Legacy of the Feels

I had the very blessed honor of living with a beautiful soul a few years ago.  This was at a time in my life where I wasn’t really interested in having to live with someone, but the arrangement offered several advantages to both of us so we signed on the dotted line so to speak.  […]

What’s Under a Hat?

Happy Labor Day weekend!  Wishing you  a relaxing and joyous holiday to celebrate your hard earned professional accomplishments and the impact those accomplishments have had on all those around you! Thanks for stopping by!   Peace & Love, Janessa

Are Superheroes Only for the Movies?

Hey friends!    I hope this week has  been wonderful for you all!  Honestly, my week could not have been more jam packed full of task mastering which has really given me a sense of accomplishment.  Productivity is a double edged sword for me though.  It always fills me from the perspective of feeling as […]