Law of Cause & Effect

The law of cause and effect is one of my personal favorites, and it is also one I spent a lot of time coming to understand last year.  In taking radical responsibility, I could not come to understand how I could have created the experiences I was living through at the time.  I ended up […]

Law of Inspired Action

There’s a balance between being and doing.  The law of attraction focuses on aligning ourselves with our state of being to create what we desire while the law of inspired action aligns us with the doing. And the real key here is inspired action.  It’s not forceful do everything you can possibly do until you’re […]

Law of Attraction

You’ve likely already heard of this universal law as it is the most popular and most talked about universal principle.  While it draws a lot of attention and many people rely on it heavily to create and have the things they desire, these laws are interconnected and intertwined.   For instance, the law of attraction is […]

Law of Correspondence

The Law of Correspondence establishes what is happening external of you is a mirror of what is occurring internal.  Another way of explaining this is to say the unconscious patterns, thoughts, and beliefs you hold create what you see in the world around you.  If you unconsciously believe in lack and scarcity, then you will […]

Credit & Debit, Life & Death

Words matter.  The old adage “sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me” is one of the farthest things from the truth.  In fact, we live in a world where words are used outside of their original context unbeknownst to us, and the way those words are being used combined […]

Everything You’ve Never Been Told About Money

If you haven’t read last week’s post, please do so before reading this one.  Without that foundational information in viewing our country as a business, this post may be much more difficult to understand. What I’m about to share with you is information that’s very challenging to find.  Not many people present this information, and […]

The Root of All Things Good

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying ‘money is the root of all evil’.  I want to challenge and rewrite this narrative to be ‘money is the root of all things good!’  Money does not make you good or evil, even though society teaches otherwise.  Money amplifies that which you already are.  If you are a […]

Lady Justice

The Scales of Justice have long represented the symbolism of justice.  They represent the balancing of truth and fairness in each legal case.  They also represent all evidence being weighed fairly, and typically the side with the most evidence wins the case. Lady Justice originates from Ancient Greece and Rome.  The Greek Goddess of Justice, […]

Check A Box

I have procrastinated long and hard to sit down and write today’s blog. For those who know me well, you know I am apolitical, and for those who don’t know me you are about discover how apolitical I am. There is a saying you should never discuss politics and religion with others. I think that’s […]

How Did We Get Here

When humans are fully empowered they have a powerful spiritual connection, clear intuition, the pineal gland functions fully, and for those who are familiar with the chakra system, the third eye is open.  Thus, our thoughts are fueled by something higher than ourselves.  There are many influences and factors preventing and deluding us from being […]