Law of Giving & Receiving

The law of giving and receiving is pretty intuitive as it guides us to be balanced in both giving and receiving.  Giving does not make you strong while receiving does not make you weak.  Both are necessary to honor the natural rhythms–both your rhythms and the rhythms of others.  Think about if you tried to […]

Law of Rhythm

You have your own rhythm and when you dance to the beat of your own drum life gets really easy!  Are you a night owl or a morning person?  Do you feel most inspired in the mornings, midday, or late in the evening?  The law of rhythm speaks exactly to the fact that everything happens […]

Law of Cause & Effect

The law of cause and effect is one of my personal favorites, and it is also one I spent a lot of time coming to understand last year.  In taking radical responsibility, I could not come to understand how I could have created the experiences I was living through at the time.  I ended up […]