
Hey there! I’m curious…when you were a kid did you dream of being an adult? Did you even yearn and long to have it happen as quickly as possible so you could stay up late, eat whatever you wanted, make all the rules (or have no rules at all), and do all of the things […]

Personality Restructure

Take a moment to ponder quickly these next few questions: What do you like best about your personality? What do you like least about your personality? Was it easier for you to answer what you liked best or least about yourself? One prominent area where we find discomfort in being ourselves stems from our personality […]

Here and Now

When I was a kid, right after the days of having to bike to school downhill both ways (true story), I would have to wake early enough to feed our baby calves, cats, and dog before boarding the school bus. It made for early mornings since we were the first stop on the bus route, […]