Winter Is Coming!

I know, it’s finally spring!!!  The birds, the sun, the fresh air, the rain showers, green grass, flower blossoms!  All of the physical signs of growth, renewal, and flourishing…it’s a BEAUTIFUL playground of deliciousness outside! While the season of winter–the one containing snow, ice, plummeting temperatures, and dormant plants–is behind us, we’re talking about winter […]

Where Do Results Come From?

If asked this question, would you stutter and stammer the same way you do when a four-year-old asks you where babies come from? Or would your answer come easily and quickly because of course results come from hard work, determination, and fortitude? How about I let you in on the little-known fact there is an […]

Personality Restructure

Take a moment to ponder quickly these next few questions: What do you like best about your personality? What do you like least about your personality? Was it easier for you to answer what you liked best or least about yourself? One prominent area where we find discomfort in being ourselves stems from our personality […]