Law of Compensation

The law of compensation takes real faith and trust.  All the laws do if we’re being honest, but there was something about this law that took me longer to fully embody.  It tells us we will be positively compensated for our actions and work.  The catch is that we must be open to receive it […]

Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

This law teaches us everything in the universe is changing, fluctuating, and evolving.  This gives us the agency to have big impact with even the smallest effort.  Big circumstances don’t necessarily require big effort to solve.  Never underestimate the power of taking one small step of inspired action! “Just as a seed of a tree […]

Law of Attraction

You’ve likely already heard of this universal law as it is the most popular and most talked about universal principle.  While it draws a lot of attention and many people rely on it heavily to create and have the things they desire, these laws are interconnected and intertwined.   For instance, the law of attraction is […]

Law of Correspondence

The Law of Correspondence establishes what is happening external of you is a mirror of what is occurring internal.  Another way of explaining this is to say the unconscious patterns, thoughts, and beliefs you hold create what you see in the world around you.  If you unconsciously believe in lack and scarcity, then you will […]

The Law of Divine Oneness

It took me too many years to come to learn about universal laws.  Forty-too-many years if I’m being honest!  These laws are based upon nature and allow us to live in harmony with the world around us.  Once I learned these laws and deeply engrained them into my belief system, things in my life began […]