Shelter & Energy

We as a people have evolved enormously since the days of Little House on the Prairie.  Having been raised on a farm, beginning my education in a one room country school with no other students my age, and experiencing the simplicity of this lifestyle my heart yearns for the values I learned through those experiences […]

Teacher, Teach Me

In continuing to examine how our systems are interconnected it is important to look at the education, college, and workforce systems.  These three systems alone go hand in hand, but they also are interwoven with the healthcare system and the energy system. Mr. Rockefeller was heavily involved in the educational system by founding the General […]

Tick Tock Goes the Internal Clock

When you hear ‘internal clock’ do you think of your biological clock?  Or do you think about the circadian rhythms and whether you’re a night owl or an early bird?  Regardless of which type of fowl you liken yourself, all humans have numerous internal clocks on many different things such as relationships, home, vehicle, and […]

In Sync

“This I Promise You” “I’ll Never Stop” using these techniques which enable me to say “Bye Bye Bye” to imbalanced energy flow. If you’re not old enough to know or completely missed the boy band In Sync of the late 90s and early 2000s you can give them a quick Google to understand the references […]

Personality Restructure

Take a moment to ponder quickly these next few questions: What do you like best about your personality? What do you like least about your personality? Was it easier for you to answer what you liked best or least about yourself? One prominent area where we find discomfort in being ourselves stems from our personality […]