Holy Reflections

I sent a card to my parents this week after some holy reflections last weekend.  They will likely read most of what’s inside the card here at the same time as you before the post office is even able to deliver it.  As a loyal blog follower, you are really getting and inside peak behind […]


You can’t pour from an empty cup. Travis has been home for nearly five months.  Time is intangible, it seems like he’s been home for merely weeks and that he never actually left all at the same time. Relationships work really well when you both are able to pour into it rather than need something […]

Grief Reveals You

This isn’t deja vu!  If you’re questioning whether you already saw this post…you did see a version of it publish last week.  It went rogue, thought it was so important people needed to see it twice, and so here is the final product in all its glory! My grandma, and last surviving grandparent, passed away […]

Law of Giving & Receiving

The law of giving and receiving is pretty intuitive as it guides us to be balanced in both giving and receiving.  Giving does not make you strong while receiving does not make you weak.  Both are necessary to honor the natural rhythms–both your rhythms and the rhythms of others.  Think about if you tried to […]

Law of Rhythm

You have your own rhythm and when you dance to the beat of your own drum life gets really easy!  Are you a night owl or a morning person?  Do you feel most inspired in the mornings, midday, or late in the evening?  The law of rhythm speaks exactly to the fact that everything happens […]

Law of Polarity

The law of polarity identifies there is an opposite for everything in the world.  If there is up there is down, if there is hot there is cold, if there is happy there is sad and so on.  Pretty simple concept, right? Looking at polarity in the terms of emotions and energetics is a freeing […]

Law of Compensation

The law of compensation takes real faith and trust.  All the laws do if we’re being honest, but there was something about this law that took me longer to fully embody.  It tells us we will be positively compensated for our actions and work.  The catch is that we must be open to receive it […]

Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

This law teaches us everything in the universe is changing, fluctuating, and evolving.  This gives us the agency to have big impact with even the smallest effort.  Big circumstances don’t necessarily require big effort to solve.  Never underestimate the power of taking one small step of inspired action! “Just as a seed of a tree […]

Law of Inspired Action

There’s a balance between being and doing.  The law of attraction focuses on aligning ourselves with our state of being to create what we desire while the law of inspired action aligns us with the doing. And the real key here is inspired action.  It’s not forceful do everything you can possibly do until you’re […]

The Law of Energy

As we continue our examination of the universal laws which make mastering the art of being human so much easier, we’ll continue to embrace last week’s law while adding the second.  Do you remember what last week’s law was?  The potency is in putting these laws to use in your life not just reading about […]