
Decision: [dəˈsiZH(ə)n] (noun)- a solution or resolution reached after consideration Successful people make decisions quickly and change their minds slowly.  And it isn’t about being impulsive and having a fixed mindset that is unwilling to course correct.  It’s about belief. A decision begins the process of making a commitment to yourself to make something happen.  […]

Where Do Results Come From?

If asked this question, would you stutter and stammer the same way you do when a four-year-old asks you where babies come from? Or would your answer come easily and quickly because of course results come from hard work, determination, and fortitude? How about I let you in on the little-known fact there is an […]

Law of Relativity

The law of relativity set me free from the radical responsibility I attached to the legal situation we went through in 2022.  In a desire to live at cause, I laboriously sought clarity as to how I caused this situation to come to be.  Learning the law of relativity gave me a fresh perspective and […]

Aim, Plan, Achieve.

What feels more amazing then setting your sights on an aspiration, creating a plan, and then slaying your way to success? There might be a few things, but this simple pleasure in life is one of my most enjoyable feelings to experience. There is one itty, bitty, teeny, weeny thing which has massive impact to […]