Where Do Results Come From?

If asked this question, would you stutter and stammer the same way you do when a four-year-old asks you where babies come from?

Or would your answer come easily and quickly because of course results come from hard work, determination, and fortitude?

How about I let you in on the little-known fact there is an easier way to get results, and it doesn’t require working yourself to the bone, sleep deprivation, and much too little joy along the way!

Results actually come from your beliefs, and yes, it’s that simple!  Not always easy, but certainly simple.  And here is where a lot of people I work with stumble in creating results: positivity.  Because thinking positive thoughts doesn’t mean you’ll get the results you desire.

You can run a reel of positive thoughts through your mind all day, and while this will help you think and feel on purpose, it won’t be the sole factor that will move the needle to a successful result.  This is because your unconscious mind holds your beliefs, and your beliefs will overpower your thoughts every.single.time!

How do you know then if you believe your thoughts?


It really is that simple.  Here is the chain of events that happen inside your humanness every minute of your waking day.  Your beliefs create the majority of those 60,000 thoughts you have while you’re awake, and they create all of those thoughts that run on autopilot in the background that you don’t think on purpose.  These thoughts create emotions which create feelings in your body, your feelings generate action, and when it all locks into alignment the results come effortlessly.

Here is a common practical example I see working with other healers that will bring this into real life.

What gets healers really jazzed about life is impacting others!!  And my clients know you’re great at what you do!  So you think about how great your services are, how big your impact is, and how much your clients love working with you all day long.

You’ve got the positive thought reel locked and loaded!

But…you hold a contrary belief that’s confusing everything…the belief you can’t have the impact you desire UNTIL you’re healed yourself.

The current result is having fewer clients than you desire while self-coaching and self-healing an enormous amount of the time trying as you may to reach the ever-elusive status of being “healed enough”.

Life is a continual process of growing, healing, and evolving.  My clients shift this belief to the following: your clients love your demonstration of always being in the process of growing & evolving, expressing the best version of yourself which shifts each day as you make hard situations look easy.  You walk the walk.  You talk the talk.  Your journey is credible because you are worthy and deserving.

There’s no destination in your healing that you must reach to magically unlock massive impact with your clients.  Instead, it’s holding the belief that you are the whole kit & caboodle NOW with the exact knowledge, life experiences, and gifts you possess.  Once your subconscious believes this, then those positive thoughts, emotions, feelings, and inspired actions will be unstoppable in generating RESULTS!

If you’re ready to bypass the trial by error method of making a tweak and waiting for results to show up to see if it worked, there’s a simple way to test the beliefs your subconscious holds.  I can show you a much easier way than working (or self-coaching) yourself to death to get the results you desire.  Grab your free 30-minute discovery call and lets chat!  I’ll teach you the incredible way to test your beliefs on the call too!

Peace & Love,

P.S.  Jump into The Deep, an experience you have to have to understand, and even then, you might not be able to understand.  Effortless growth, natural progression, next level you, empowerment embodied, divine wisdom unlocked!  Grab a friend and your free seat!


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