Knowing When to Walk Away

Life is filled with beginnings and endings.  Some of those are blazingly obvious like graduation, a wedding, or the end of a pregnancy. The less than obvious chapter changes are the ones that keep clients up at night as they wrestle with the question:  is termination or continuation the most appropriate in this situation?  This […]

Take Out the Trash

I tried something new Saturday morning that will give you a good laugh.  I love trying new things, don’t you?! As I went through my morning, I randomly got a whiff of a distinct funk here and there.  And as the morning passed, the frequency of this funk increased, and the intensity of the funk […]

Where Do Results Come From?

If asked this question, would you stutter and stammer the same way you do when a four-year-old asks you where babies come from? Or would your answer come easily and quickly because of course results come from hard work, determination, and fortitude? How about I let you in on the little-known fact there is an […]


Be careful and intentional with your words! This blog is short today, but you know my theory with the short posts:  keep it short yet potent. Put this knowledge to practice and you will see mountains move in your capacity for self-love! We often think and say “I am ____________” which is adopting that description […]

Law of Cause & Effect

The law of cause and effect is one of my personal favorites, and it is also one I spent a lot of time coming to understand last year.  In taking radical responsibility, I could not come to understand how I could have created the experiences I was living through at the time.  I ended up […]

Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

This law teaches us everything in the universe is changing, fluctuating, and evolving.  This gives us the agency to have big impact with even the smallest effort.  Big circumstances don’t necessarily require big effort to solve.  Never underestimate the power of taking one small step of inspired action! “Just as a seed of a tree […]

Law of Correspondence

The Law of Correspondence establishes what is happening external of you is a mirror of what is occurring internal.  Another way of explaining this is to say the unconscious patterns, thoughts, and beliefs you hold create what you see in the world around you.  If you unconsciously believe in lack and scarcity, then you will […]

Shelter & Energy

We as a people have evolved enormously since the days of Little House on the Prairie.  Having been raised on a farm, beginning my education in a one room country school with no other students my age, and experiencing the simplicity of this lifestyle my heart yearns for the values I learned through those experiences […]

In Sync

“This I Promise You” “I’ll Never Stop” using these techniques which enable me to say “Bye Bye Bye” to imbalanced energy flow. If you’re not old enough to know or completely missed the boy band In Sync of the late 90s and early 2000s you can give them a quick Google to understand the references […]

The Magical, Mythical 37

What’s magical and mythical about 37 you ask?  I’m not certain since I’ve just embarked upon my journey into my 37th year, but as I experience all of its magnificence I will be certain to share.  In the meantime, I thought I would share 37 nuggets of wisdom I’ve learned throughout my lifetime which make […]